Youtube Metadata

YouTube Data Viewer

YouTube Metadata, View the Statistics of the YouTube video and find out the exact day and time it was uploaded.

Let's paste the YouTube video URL.

Youtube Data Viewer

What is YouTube Data Viewer?

YouTube metadata viewer grabs singular details about a YouTube video and the channel that uploaded it. It finds video statistics, video category, Video 'Like' count and Dislike count, video thumbnails and channel information. It also finds the exact upload time and date of the video and automatically converts it to your country's time zone. Find out exactly when the YouTube video was uploaded, and The Exact Day, month, and time when the was uploaded.

You may come across a video from YouTube in an investigation or court case. Or you may have wondered exactly when a channel you follow on youtube uploads videos. In this tool, we explain how you can find out the exact date, day, and time a video was published on YouTube. We call this YouTube video upload time.

Paste the video url in the box to find out what date and year youtube video was uploaded and the video monetization status. You will see exactly when youtube video was uploaded and post date at the bottom. The time the video is uploaded is automatically converted to your time zone (the time zone of the country you are in). The date format when the video is uploaded is as follows:
Year - Month - Day / Hour(24-hours) : Minutes : Seconds.

The 24-hour time format divides a day into 24 hours. Traditionally, in the United States, time is displayed in a 12-hour cycle.

Also, this tool is a "YouTube video category finder" and a "YouTube Dislike viewer" that shows the category of the video.

YouTube Video Data Viewer finds video statistics, video information.

Displays the following information instantly, online:

✅ Exact uploaded date of the video
✅ Video Category
✅ Video 'Like' Count
✅ Video Dislike Count
✅ Video total view count
✅ Video Comment Count
✅ Video Default Language
✅ Video Audio Language
✅ Video Loudness Level
✅ Video Duration
✅ Video Description
✅ Video Recording Geolocation
✅ Video Authenticity Status
✅ Video Advertisement Status
✅ Total Number of Ads in the Video
✅ User-added ad points
✅ Video Monetization Status
✅ Video earning calculate (Money Calculator)
YouTube Thumbnail Download - 12 different sizes
Video and channel tags will be extracted
Youtube Channel Banner Download - 17 different sizes
✅ Channel Profile Picture 6 different sizes
✅ Channel Location
✅ Channel Description
✅ Channel created date

The tool provides a detailed explanation of all the information mentioned above.

YouTube Video Money Calculator

If you want to estimate how much money you can make from your YouTube videos, this online calculation tool will assist you. It also enables you to make informed decisions about money-making strategies related to your videos. Slide the video views and interaction metric bars to provide an estimate of the video's potential earnings.

Daily Video Views
Drag the slider to calculate potential earnings
20,000 Views/Day
Average Engagement Rate
Views per Month
Views per Year
Estimated Daily Earnings
$28.50 - $47.50
Estimated Monthly Earnings
$855 - $1,425
Projected Yearly Earnings
$10,403 - $17,338

If you are wondering how to check if any YouTube Channel is monetized, use this tool ➤ YouTube Monetization Checker

If you want to download all the thumbnails of a video, use this tool ➤ YouTube Thumbnail Downloader

If you want to download a channel's banner, also known as a cover photo, use this tool ➤ Youtube banner download